作为我们保证威尼斯人娱乐城经济实惠的承诺的一部分, 我们与学生和家庭合作,提供奖学金和其他经济援助. 几乎100%的学生都获得了某种形式的经济奖励. 这种管理工作为威尼斯人娱乐城赢得了“最具价值”的排名 U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道.

关于重新计算GPA的说明. The GPA used to determine academic scholarship eligibility is recalculated by 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 based on college prep subjects earned in grades 9 through 12. 奖学金不能合并或堆叠. 学生必须被威尼斯人娱乐城录取,才能获得奖学金.


A range of merit-based scholarships are awarded based on ability and/or talent rather than financial need. 必须有学生申请, been admitted to 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 (with no academic conditions) and enroll in order to receive scholarships.


每年15,000美元 | 4年6万

只限全日制一年级走读学生入学. 资格由平均绩点和考试成绩综合决定. 通常, recipients of the 网关奖学金 have an SAT combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing plus Math score of 1000或更高 (or ACT composite score of 19或以上) and a cumulative high school GPA of 2.5 to 3.19或以上. 可再生的2.大学平均成绩不低于0分.


$16,000 /年 | 四年6.4万美元

只限全日制一年级走读学生入学. Eligibility is determined by a combination of high school reported cumulative grade point average and test scores. 通常, recipients of the 山顶奖学金 have an SAT combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing plus Math score of 1070或更高 (or ACT composite score of 21 or higher) and a cumulative high school GPA of 3.2或以上. 可续期2年.大学平均成绩不低于0分.


每年17000美元 | 四年68,000美元

只限全日制一年级走读学生入学. Eligibility is determined by a combination of recalculated high school grade point average and test scores. 通常, recipients of the 塔奖学金 have an SAT combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing plus Math score of 1140或更高 (or ACT composite score of 23 or higher) and a recalculated cumulative high school GPA of 3.5或以上. 可续期2年.大学平均成绩5分或以上.


每年18,500美元 | 四年7.4万美元

只限全日制一年级走读学生入学. 资格由重新计算的平均绩点和考试成绩组合决定. 通常, recipients of the 创始人奖学金 have an SAT combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing plus Math score of 1180或更高 (or ACT composite score of 24 or higher) and a recalculated high school GPA of 3.7或以上. 可续期2年.大学平均成绩5分或以上.


$20,000 /年 | 四年8万美元

只限全日制一年级走读学生入学. 资格由重新计算的平均绩点和考试成绩组合决定. 通常, recipients of the 研究员奖学金 have an SAT combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing plus Math score of 1300或更高 (or ACT composite score of 27或以上) and a 3.重新计算的高中累积绩点或更高. 可再生的2.大学平均成绩5分或以上.



评委们挑选奖学金获得者. 总统学习奖学金每年颁发两名. 未来的候选人将从最具学术天赋的申请人中选择入学. 新, first-year students admitted by January 15 who qualify for a Founders or 研究员奖学金 may be invited to compete for a 总统奖学金. High school seniors interested in being considered for the scholarship must apply for admission no later than January 1 of their senior year. Successful candidates will have completed a strong college preparatory curriculum and show evidence of an exceptional record of leadership or service to school, 社区或教堂. 3级可再生.大学平均绩点25分或以上, 总统学习奖学金取代威尼斯人娱乐城所有其他奖学金和助学金.



评委们挑选奖学金获得者. Two Presidential Learning and Living 奖学金 will be awarded to the college’s top applicants annually. 未来的候选人将从最具学术天赋的申请人中选择入学. 新, first-year students admitted by January 15 who qualify for a Founders or 研究员奖学金 may be invited to compete for a 总统奖学金. High school seniors interested in being considered for the scholarship must apply for admission no later than January 1 of their senior year. Successful candidates will have completed a strong college preparatory curriculum and show evidence of an exceptional record of leadership or service to school, 社区或教堂. 3级可再生.大学平均绩点25分或以上, the Presidential Learning and Living Scholarship supersedes all other 威尼斯人娱乐城大学 scholarships and 援助.


The State of Georgia provides need-based and non-need-based grant assistance to residents of Georgia who are U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens and have established and maintained a domicile in the State of Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months.

希望奖学金 是不是不以需求为基础 State of Georgia scholarship awarded to Georgia residents who 研究生d from high school on or after June 1996 with a 3.在特定的学术课程中平均成绩为00分. A student who did not 研究生 from high school as a HOPE Scholar may become eligible for the 希望奖学金 after attempting 30, 60, 或者90个学时. 全日制学生每年4304美元(每学期2152美元)。. 完整的资格要求和HOPE奖学金的申请可在以下网站获得 gafutures.org.

泽尔·米勒奖学金 是不是不以需求为基础 State of Georgia scholarship awarded to Georgia residents who 研究生d from high school in 2011 and beyond who 研究生d as the Valedictorian or Salutatorian or had a 希望奖学金 calculated high school GPA of a minimum of 3.7 and scored a minimum score of 1200 combined critical reading and math on a single administration of the SAT or a composite score of 26 on a single test administration of the ACT taken prior to the time of high school graduation. 泽尔·米勒奖学金的评估基准与HOPE奖学金相同- 30, 60, 90个学期. 全日制学生每年5616美元(每学期2808美元)。. 完整的资格要求和申请泽尔·米勒奖学金可在 gafutures.org.

佐治亚州学费均等化补助金 是不是不以需求为基础 State of Georgia grant awarded to Georgia residents attending a private college or university as a full-time student. 目前每年的金额是850美元. The complete eligibility requirements and application for the 佐治亚州学费均等化补助金 are available at gafutures.org.

格鲁吉亚的英雄 (帮助教育预备役军人及其后代)奖学金不以需求为基础, State of Georgia scholarship that provides educational grant assistance to Georgia residents who are members of the Georgia National Guard and U.S. Military Reservists and served in combat zones or the children or spouses of such members of the Georgia National Guard and U.S. 军事储备. 全日制学生每年可获得2000美元的奖励. 奖学金按比例发放给非全日制学生. 格鲁吉亚英雄奖学金的完整资格要求和申请可在以下网站获得 gafutures.org.

公共安全纪念基金 是不是不以需求为基础, State of Georgia grant awarded to the dependent children of Georgia Public Safety Officers who were permanently disabled or killed in the line of duty. 最高奖金为每年18,000美元. The complete eligibility requirements and application for the 公共安全纪念基金 is available at gafutures.org.




将颁发有限数量的国际会长奖学金, 包括全额学费, 食宿——2024-25年的年价为47美元,626美元*.

Assessment requirements include two letters of recom- mendation from school officials and an interview with the 总统奖学金 Committee via Zoom.


学业平均成绩相当于3分.44 to 3.4号公路63英里.分级标准

将颁发15名全球威尼斯人娱乐城奖学金, 哪个学校提供一半的学费奖学金和住宿费——2024-25年每年24美元,324美元*.

评估要求包括两封学校官员的推荐信 and a recorded video interview.


学业成绩达到86% - 90%或以上(相当于平均成绩3分).0 - 3.4号国道43号.分级标准

将颁发15个威尼斯人娱乐城威尼斯人娱乐城奖学金, 哪个学校提供一半的学费奖学金和一半的住宿费——2024-25年每年20美元,777美元*.







由学院校友和朋友的慷慨资助, 艺术系的学生曾获院系奖项, 音乐, 戏剧与护理. Students who intend to major in specific areas may obtain applications for available 部门奖 through the Office of 招生. 获得学术奖学金的学生可能并不总是有资格获得部门资金.



由联合卫理公会高等教育基金会资助. 这些奖项通过教会筹集1美元成为可能,每位会员,即参加或计划参加联合卫理公会学院的学生. 威尼斯人娱乐城参与三倍你的美元计划可以提供额外的1美元,000, 总共3美元,从各方面获得000英镑. 参加“四倍你的钱”计划的会议可额外捐助1美元,000, 总共可能有4美元,000. 有关申请或更多,请访问 www.gbhem.org.



颁发给计划进入联合卫理公会相关学院或大学的联合卫理公会青年. 赞助教会捐款1美元,向高等教育基金会(Higher Education Foundation)捐款,然后由相应的学院或大学捐款.



考生必须是目前注册或被录取的学生活跃在联合卫理公会教堂, 有经济需求,平均绩点3分.0或更高. 需要单独的申请信息.



颁发给当前入学或被录取的学生,其父母是一名积极分子, 联合卫理公会任命的牧师. 需要单独的申请信息.